Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miracle or Luck? You Be the Judge

  • I survived a terrible accident
  • My husband was there to comfort me.
  • The first person on the scene was a nurse from my church.
  • The ambulance arrived within moments of the call (we heard the sirens as soon as the 911 dispatcher said they had called for an ambulance).
  • One of the responding paramedics is the most experienced and respected paramedic in Central Illinois.
  • That same paramedic was one of the ones who transported me out of the hospital and to the nursing home. I got to thank him. It was his birthday.
  • I had a 16mm tear in my aorta and didn't bleed out.
  • I survived a surgery that has less than a 10% survival rate. 
  • I got the best cardiac and orthopedic trauma surgeons in the area, and didn't get to choose any of them.
  • I have no brain damage whatsoever.
  • I wore all of my motorcycle gear because the weather in August was cool.
  • I got to attend my son's Senior Night for Fall Sports - even though I later had to have the fixator put back on.
  • I can walk. In fact, I walked the very day they removed my fixator for good.
  • My family is totally amazing!
  • My community and friends came together to support my family in ways we will never be able to repay.
  • There were close to 30 people in the ER waiting room to support my family.
  • I never had to worry about my job.
  • We received almost the exact amount of money we needed to get through this adventure so far. 
  • I was able to stay in a nursing home that was just down the street from my house.  My family, and dogs, could visit whenever they wanted.
  • I was home and strong enough to see my son graduate from High School and my daughter graduate from 8th grade.
  • To this day, I meet people I never knew before who have been praying for me all this time.
  • I never felt like I was going to die.
These are the things I can remember.  It doesn't include all of the amazing support I got from nurses and therapists that helped to make all of this possible. If you know of something I missed, please add it.  I'd like to remember as much as possible.


Joan said...

Deinitely a Miracle!

Joan said...

Definitely a Miracle!