Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today I am Thankful.  I am Thankful everyday actually.  The last 14 months have been harder than months in years past, but they have made me what I am today.  There is still a lot to go through, I just found out I will have to have more surgery in the new year, but I have not had to walk alone, ever.

There are so very many things to complain about, but I'd really much rather think about the good things:

  • my family and my friends who all lend me strength on a regular basis
  • my German son who has been a joy to get to know
  • watching my son and daughter continue to grow into amazing people
  • my job - which I never had to worry about losing - that challenges me and reminds me how much I like to use my brain!
All of this and so much more!

This morning my husband posted a Facebook status that made me cry. I am so blessed to have a man in my life who loves me so much!  There are no problems we cannot overcome, together.  I am so incredibly Thankful for him, there are no words.  I am Thankful for everything that he did to keep our family together when I could not be there and I am Thankful for everything he does everyday to let us know how much he cares.

I am Thankful that I am reminded often how good I have it.  There is nothing to get you out of a well of self pity like helping other people.  Recently I had the opportunity to serve drinks at a lunch benefit our church had for another member.  You have no idea how good it felt to be paying it forward! I know it was a simple act, but many simple acts put together make a huge impact, I know, I've felt that impact.  I will always contribute my simple acts as long and as often as I can.

I am Thankful to have the means to cook a Thanksgiving meal for my family and buy Christmas presents this year.  It's huge, really.

I am Thankful for each and every day, even though I may not always show it.  Thank you for being part of my life, no matter how large or small, you have helped to make my life what it is and for that I Thank YOU!

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