So, I just read read this blog post, "6 Things About Chronic Pain You Didn't Know You Knew" and I felt I had to respond. I agree and can identify with most of what this post talks about. For the past two and half years pain has been my constant companion in one form or another(or both), and realistically that's not going to change any time soon. The descriptions and points made about the first 3 topics are pretty good, but I take exception to the tone of the last 3.1. Pain is exhausting- Oh, this is sooooo true! It's always there and you're always trying not to let it get in the way. But, the question I ask is, is it any more exhausting than a million other things people deal with on a daily basis? Small children for example, caring for them is exhausting. Older children, worrying about them is exhausting. Homework, Relationships, Parents, Bills, Work, you get the point, anything that is constantly in the back of your mind is exhausting.
2. Pain causes poor sleep - This is also true. In fact, about the only times I break down completely are when the pain wakes me up at 2:00 a.m. and won't let me get back to sleep. But again, substitute the word Pain in that sentence with any of the ones I listed above, or a myriad of others, and you get the same result.
3. Pain makes you cranky. So does lack of sleep, hunger, hang-overs, people who don't use their turn signals, you get the picture. Deal with it!
4. Pain kills your concentration. Short, unexpected bursts of pain, yes (and anyone who has to deal with nerve pain can relate to this, but then so can the guy who hit his thumb with a hammer), otherwise NO! Paying too much attention to my pain can kill my concentration. This is where, at least for me, it's mind over pain. I do not choose to be controlled by my pain, I could be, but I choose not to be.
5. Pain damages your self esteem. Sometimes, sure, but so does telling me I look fat in those pants. What damages my self esteem is ME. I start to feel sorry for myself because I can no longer trip the light fantastic with my dear husband, but then I remember we can still slow dance and I can boogie in place. My daughter doesn't care if I can't Jump to the Left, as long as I'm doing the Time Warp with her, and having fun, that's all that matters!
6. Pain causes isolation. No, focusing on pain causes isolation. If I want to be social I have to suck it up, plan ahead and make allowances for myself. Guess what, so does everyone else! We all have our demons: pain, food allergies, shyness, kids, work schedules, etc., that can make socializing a challenge.
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is, I'm not special because I have pain, I'm just human. We ALL have our challenges, seen and unseen. It is the attitude with which you choose to accept these challenges that is the key. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint. I bitch and moan and cry just like everyone else. What I won't do is let my challenges define me or how those around me interact with me.
It is important for people to remember that everyone has challenges and that yours may not be the same as mine, but I also think it's important to face those challenges with positivity and grace. I strive to make the world and those around me feel good about being with me and not worried about my struggles.
Thanks so much for sharing Cee! I sincerely appreciate the respect you've shown in regards to other challenges.
You are such a strong woman Cee. I guess it surprises me when you are feeling down sometimes too. Love you lots from one little woman to another. --D
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