Friday, February 19, 2016


This is a photo frame that I have in my office. Deane gave it to me when I was at Heartland, to help me remember how much I am loved, and what love looks like.

I'm sure you are all getting tired of hearing this, but I really love my husband.  I am a very lucky lady.

He's pretty lucky too!

We have lots of fun together, get lots of work done together and raise our children together.  We also spend time apart. We have found that to be just as important as being together.

Sometimes we forget to cherish each other as we should, but somehow we always get back to where we belong.

Soon, we will enter a new phase of life.  We will become "Empty Nester's", although I sincerely hope our children never stop doing things with us and being an active part of our lives.  I think we are up for the challenge, whenever it comes.  I'm sure our lives will still be just as busy and just as full as they are now.

Maybe, we will have a little more time for ourselves, I know we will always be in love.

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