This photo is from January 6th, 2012. It was taken 4 days after I had returned home. As you can see, I was still using a wheelchair. We were joking around that this was how I would do PT at home. I was mighty in spirit.
Most of the time I still am. Sometimes I feel a bit too mighty, and God gently reminds me to be humble.
I went to yoga again this week. It kicked my ass. Seriously, I cried.
It wasn't the teacher, she's awesome. It wasn't the other students, they were very friendly. It was me.
My first class had been fairly easy and I'd done really well. I was very proud of myself. This time, not so much.
There was a lot of balancing that my right leg wasn't going to have anything to do with, no matter how hard I tried to make it. There were also a lot of poses that involved going up on ones toes - not happening.
I adjusted. I modified the poses with the help of the instructor, and all the while I was getting more and more frustrated with myself and felt less and less mighty.
These are things that should have been very simple to do, and they weren't. It was very humbling.
This was two days ago. My body is still sore.
Yoga is not for wimps.
Today, I will go to the gym. Maybe it will bring back some of my might.
In two weeks I will go back to yoga (that's when the next class is).
I will strive to remember why I'm there. I want to gain strength and flexibility.
I want to grow.
Growth makes us mighty.
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