Sunday, February 22, 2015


Today my husband and I were recognized at church for our service as Youth Leaders for the last eight years.  In November we made the hard decision to step down and pass the torch to another couple.  The times we have shared with the amazing youth of our church have been truly celebratory.

We went on two mission trips to New Orleans to attend the National Lutheran Youth Gathering.  We served countless meals to our congregation.  We held several Lock Ins, Paintball Games, Superbowl Parties, Pizza Parties etc.

It was hard work, but so very rewarding.  These youth are part of our family and we will always be there for them.

An example of the bond we have with these kids, when I was stuck in the nursing home during my recovery, Deane still held Sunday School each week.  The kids asked if they could move Sunday School to the nursing home so I could still be part of it.  The Sunday they invaded my room was one of the best days of my life.

These youth and their families are amazing people and it is they that should be celebrated and thanked for allowing us into their lives.

Thank you!  We shall celebrate heartily next weekend with the lovely gift certificate you gave us, it is perfect!

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