Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Being the nerds that we are, we've been watching a Sci-Fi show called Helix.  This season features a cult living in an Abbey style building on an island.  They keep talking about how everyone has to follow their own path.  The cult members use that line as an excuse not to get involved with each other's lives.  I think that's pretty telling.

Everyone should follow their own path, that much is true.  However, I don't believe we should do it alone.  I think it is important to get, and especially to give, help along the way.

I would have lost my path long ago if no one had helped me.

If we were really meant to go it alone families would not be necessary.  I believe that families are necessary.  Whether they are families born of blood, friendship, or both doesn't matter.  Those of us who have help to walk our paths, have surer footing than those of us who try to go it alone.

It has been my experience that helping others along their path teaches me much about where to take my own.

The hardest part is asking for help when you need it.

Find your footing. Take the help that is offered to you.  Offer help whenever you can. Follow your heart. Stay true to your path.

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