My Marriage
My marriage is very important to me. I am very fortunate to have what I consider to be an excellent one. I'm not trying to brag here, I know we are some of the lucky ones.
My parents divorced when I was nine. My mother went on to marry and divorce 2 more times before I finished college. My father remarried when I was 12 and is still married.
Deane's parents were married for over 60 years, until his father passed away.
I knew I wanted to get married, but wasn't in a hurry to do so. Deane and I were together for three and half years before we married on December 22, 1990. It was two weeks before my 24th birthday; Deane was 25.
It was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Marriage is hard work. We have had our ups and downs and have been faced with many challenges. I think each challenge makes us stronger. We are not the same people we were 24 years ago, thank goodness! Wouldn't it be boring if nothing ever changed!
Some of the best compliments my husband has ever given me are "You are so much fun!" and "You are always surprising me!" I think it's wonderful that after all of these years we are still learning about each other; still trying new things and enjoying life together.
Deane has always been there for me. He makes me stronger. He makes me laugh. He pushes me and catches me and even carries me. I do the same for him.
We are a good team. We read each other's thoughts and finish each other's sentences. We get frustrated and fight and push each other's buttons. We know what will make each other happy or sad and do our best to stay happy.
We work hard. We play hard. Mostly, we do things together.
I'm a little worried about what will happen for us in the next chapter of our lives as our children will be on their own soon. I'm sure we'll figure it out. It will take some adjusting. It will take some work. We will do it together.
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