Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 16 - Marvin


I found out today that a friend's mother passed away.  It made me think of Marvin, my Father-in-Law. Marvin left us a few years ago, but the memories he gave us will never go away.

Some of my fondest memories of Marvin:

Upon our first meeting, him asking me if I had learned to shuck corn seeing as how I was from New York City. I had.  I passed that first test.

Hanging wallpaper in my dining room while he was trying to quit smoking!

Coming home to find a dining room set, a deep freezer, a dresser, or whatever piece of furniture we were currently in need of in my garage; he'd picked it up at an auction for a song.

Borrowing his '74 Mustang and driving it around when I was 9 months pregnant with Julian.

Him getting down on his hands and knees in his kitchen and trying to teach Julian to crawl.

Him teaching me how to drive a tractor, run a log splitter and a chain saw.

Him teaching the kids how to warm their hands over a campfire.

Him teaching the kids to drive in his Cushman cart.

The greatest compliment he ever paid me: "You're handier than a pocket on a shirt!" Given while siding our garage.

Dancing with him.  He was a great dancer.

Marvin was a wonderful soul.  He had a great sense of family, a gift he gave to us all.

He is deeply missed.

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