Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 21 - Change


I want to talk about changes in life, not money, but often we overlook the small changes that add up to big ones so I think it's a valid metaphor.  Anyway, it's my blog and I can do what I want!

Change is hard for most people, whether its big or small its almost always challenging.  I've gone through a lot of changes in the last few years and I like to think its what keeps life interesting.  for example, if I wasn't open to change we would have never hosted Wolf and that would have been terrible.  

Recently many people close to me have had to grapple with change.  Changes in work, changes in friends, changes in where or how they live.  Its harder for some than it is for others. Those that are successful are those who embrace it, work with the good and use it to over come the bad. Its all in the attitude.

To make change work you must stay true to yourself.  You can take other people's advice, but you can't let them make decisions for you. Pretending to be something you're not just to keep other people happy, or so you don't rock the boat may work for a short while, but it won't make you happy.  You must work to make changes that are good for you and yours.

Life is what you make of it.  Don't get short changed! Wasting time worrying about changes you can't control is useless; better to put your energy into making positive changes in your life.

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