Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 2 - Home


This is my home.  We bought this house about a year and a half after we got married.  Back then, it was army green with darker green trim.  Over the past 20+ years we have worked hard to make this house our home.  We have remodeled every room, at least once and work on painting the outside of it pretty much every year.

I love this house.

Growing up I moved almost every year. My parents were in Grad School when they had me and we moved around while they finished their degrees.  When I was 9 they got divorced and never lived in the same state after that.  My father stayed in Urbana (he lives in Champaign now), but my mother continued to move about the country.  I would spend one year with one parent, then the next year with the other one.  This continued until half way through my Freshman year of High School, when I decided I'd had enough. 

I chose to stay in Urbana (my mother lived in Fairbanks, AK at the time), because I had more friends there. I lived in the same house then until I graduated from High School; 3 years, the longest I had ever lived in one place in my entire life.

Deane lived in the same house until he moved out to go to college.  His mother still lives in their family home.

Our children have lived in this house their entire lives.  We love to travel, because we have a wonderful home to come back to.

There is still work to be done on this house.  It, like our lives, is a work in progress.  May we never grow tired of it!

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