The Little Things
Mean So Much
Today I've been thinking about the little things we do for each other that often mean so very much. Things like the fact that Deane always leaves me a dry towel on the hook by the tub, even though he showers first in the morning. Things like, leaving my vitamins on the counter ready for me to take. Like coming home to find that Cora has cooked us supper, just because. These are the things that can totally make your day.
While I was recovering, my sister in law Donna, made me a quilt for my hospital bed. Now that's a little bit bigger than some of the things I'm talking about, but it was perfect. It took her a weekend to make, but made my room and bed feel so much more like home. I had other people bring me blankets and shawls too, all of them were hand made. I still have them all and when I see them I think of the love and thoughtfulness that went into them. It's a great feeling.
If its true, and I think it is, that these small acts of thoughtfulness can have such a huge impact on us, why don't we do more of them? Things like posting Happy Birthday to someone's Facebook wall, saying "You like really nice today.", paying for the guy behind you at the drive up, bringing snacks in for a long meeting, making the bed, putting a note in someones lunch box or posting it to their mirror. All of these require very little effort on our part, yet we often overlook the chance to do them. Why is that? Why don't we all seize the opportunity to make someone's day every chance we get?
I suppose if it happened all the time we'd start to take them for granted, but I still think we could do them a lot more often than we do. Therefore, I hereby challenge you to:
- Appreciate the little things! Acknowledge them when they happen. Say Thank You (that, in itself, can make someone's day).
- Do the little things and keep doing them, as much as possible for as many people as possible. It will make you happy.
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