Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 32 - Cheesecake


Yesterday evening I was sitting around a table with some ladies from church selling them cheesecake. The High School Chorus is selling them as a fundraiser (I'd be happy to hook you up, just let me know!) and we started talking about how good cheesecake is.  It got me to remembering the best cheesecake ever.

When I was young, maybe 7 or 8, I went to visit my Aunt's in-laws in Great Neck New York.  They owned a bakery, sadly, I don't remember the name of it.  What I do remember is Grandpa Sol and Uncle Sol (they were actually my cousin's grandpa and uncle, and yes, they had the same name and no I'm not exactly sure how they were related, but none of that really matters) took me to the bakery and treated me like a Queen!

I had the run of the place.  

It was heaven on earth.

I remember walking past huge vats of whipped cream and being able to sample as much as I wanted.

I remember them magically and effortlessly making huge roses out of icing and putting them on a cake for me.  I got to design it, all by myself.  They were at my beck and call. 

I remember a  peanut butter machine that cranked out the best peanut butter ever!

I remember going back out to the front of the store and pointing and the pastry of my desire was delivered into my hands.  It was magical.

I remember loading up the trunk of the car with cheesecakes and other goodies to take home.

I'm sure I was sicker than a dog later that day, but I don't remember that. What I do remember is a day of pure joy with two men who's only goal was to make me happy.

I hope they know it worked; and that it makes me happy to this day whenever I eat cheesecake and remember them.

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