Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 34 - Lilly


Lilly is one of my best friends.  She calls me Auntie Cee and calls Deane Auntie Deane (apparently to Lilly Auntie is simply a term of endearment, we love it). All of the kids love Lilly too, they call her Littl' Lilly.  Lilly is Noah's big sister and the daughter of dear friends.  We have gotten to be very close over the last few years. 

Before we got to know Lilly we admired her from afar (across the church).  As an infant, we marveled at how she was able to hold up her head with such wonderfully pudgy cheeks. She had such a great smile.  We are so glad to have her in our lives now.

A week or so ago I was playing piggies with Lilly while everyone else was busy doing other things.  We were laying together on the love seat in her living room.  Lilly turned over and gave me a huge hug, sighed and said "I love you Auntie Cee."  I almost cried.  It was the first time she'd said that to me spontaneously.  We always say "love you" when saying good bye, but this was the first time she declared her love for me all on her own.  I feel very special.

We got to spend the day with Lilly, just me and Deane.  We went to her soccer practice, had lunch at McDonalds and worked out in our yard.  Lilly had a great time helping Deane dig things up in the garden and power wash the patio (she kept trying to spray the dogs, who loved it!). Hanging out with Lilly gave us a taste of what it will be like to be grandparents someday.  I think we are going to like it.

Lilly keeps us on our toes and reminds us of the joy of childhood.  We love having her around, but to be honest, we also love being able to take her home at the end of the day!  I think it's easier to love young children when you can "borrow" them for the day!

So, Thank You Lilly for being our friend!  We look forward to watching you grow and playing with you for a long time to come!

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