Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lent 2014 - Day 35 - Gaming


I have kind of a love / hate relationship with gaming.  

Sometimes I love it, especially when I'm wining. 

Seriously, I'm very competitive and I think strategically so some games I really like.  Resource management (Catan, Carcassone) games are ones I'm very good at. Word association games too (Taboo!, Heads Up) and trivia games (Trivial Pursuit, Chronology). Pattern games (Set, Tsuro).

I do not like role playing games. I think it's because I feel like the rules are being made up as we go and the goal of the GM is to trip me up. I really don't like that.  I like to know how the game is going to be played from the outset. I also don't like the all consuming nature of role playing games. It seems as if time stops and nothing else matters when people go into one of these games, which would be OK for an hour or two, but it goes on for way too long for me.

I do not like learning new games. I think its because I feel stupid when I mess up at a new game and that makes me mad.  As I said before, I'm very competitive, and yes, I know this can be problematic.

I do not like being left out of games.

I stink at first person shooter games.Although, I enjoy watching Deane play Bio Shock in all of it's forms.  I can participate with him as he plays by being an extra set of eyes and helping him find things.

I'm good at pinball.

I like playing every once in a while.  I don't need it to be a weekly thing.  There are too many other things that I need to deal with on a weekly basis. We used to host a game night once a month.  That was fun. We'd pick a "theme" or certain game to play most of the night and we all had a good time at it.

I like the social aspect of gaming.  

I hate vindictive gamers. You know, those people who go after one person just because they can?  I may be competitive, but I'm fair and I don't like to pick on other players.

We go to GenCon as a family every year and I really enjoy it.  I really don't play that many games while I'm there.  I like to look at the expo floor, check out the Cosplayers and take in Indianapolis.

We also go to Winter War every year, here in Champaign.  I like to compete in the Catan tournament there, mainly because the folks are pretty friendly, I get to play several games of Settlers of Catan and the guy who organizes it is awesome.

Gaming is part of my social life.  It is by no means the largest part, but it is a part that I enjoy.  Just don't try to beat me!

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