Friday, March 6, 2015


For the past 2 years or so, I've been involved in women's Bible studies.  The leaders have change, as have the topics, group member's and meeting places, but the fellowship remains the same.

There is a core group of women who have attended the last 4 studies with me, and I'm fortunate to have them as close friends.  All of the Bible studies have been written by Beth Moore. 

Beth has two phrases she uses over and over again, they're terms of endearment really, she says "girlfriend", (with a southern accent) a lot and she calls all of those enrolled in the study "beloved". If you've never heard her speak I'd highly recommend it. She is very knowledgeable, passionate and charismatic as a speaker. She is also very personable and human.

When my Pastor, and current Bible study leader, asked our current group to come up with a name for ourselves we very quickly settled on "Beloved Girlfriends".  What a perfect name for us!

I find it very rewarding, if sometimes painful, to partake in these studies with women. They are so willing to share and listen with compassion and sincerity. What happens in Bible Study, stays in Bible Study; it is a safe place.

I also really enjoy learning more about what went into the books of the Bible.  It is a good way for me to educate myself about something I am still fairly new to.

I hope you have your own group of Beloved Girlfriends (gender really isn't important here, it's the sentiment I'm after)!

Have a wonder weekend my beloveds!

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