Monday, March 9, 2015


Konnor, an old a faithful servant.

The Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest, I feel that to many, it has become a day of obligation.

For Christians the Sunday is the Sabbath day. This is the day we are supposed to go to church, and for many, myself included sometimes, going to church is more of an obligation than a restful renewal of the spirit. Sunday's are also often full of other obligations, visiting with family or hosting family dinners, grocery shopping etc. 

What if, instead of approaching Sunday as a day of obligation we looked at it as a day of rest?  What if Church was a place to lay down our burdens instead of being a burden on our time?  What if we approached family gatherings in a way that allowed us to renew relationships instead of putting in the obligatory appearance?  What if we wrapped ourselves in the Sabbath like a warm blanket and held it close like a teddy bear?

I'm sure I would / will have trouble making this shift in perspective, but I think it just might be worth a try...

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