Friday, March 13, 2015


Practicing is working at something repeatedly to perfect it.  I've been practicing writing every day for the last few weeks. Perfecting my writing is not really my goal with writing these posts.  The main idea is to allow me to meditate on a specific task and see what comes out.  So, I guess I'm practicing meditating more than anything else.  

Taking some time out of every day to focus on one thing.  This should not be something that is difficult to do, but in my life it is.  I have a feeling the same may be the case for many of you.  It only takes about 20 mins. or so write a post, but sometimes it's really hard to find those 20 mins.  When you add in all of the other tasks that take 5, 10, 15, 20 mins to do, well it all adds up.

Many people practice things everyday.  It is time spent working on something that is important to them. Sometimes it's perfect, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's the practicing is more important than the product.  Without the practice, the product would not be worth as much as it is with the practice.

I will keep trying to practice, and maybe, if you're really lucky, I'll get better.

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