Thursday, March 5, 2015


Yes, I am a child of the '80s.

U2 Boy is still one of my favorite albums.  I got to see them on tour for it.  I had seat 1AA.  Bono body surfed.  I touched him.  But, I digress.

Seriously, when I saw that today's word was follow, this song is what immediately came to mind. Check out the lyrics and you will understand why.

I'm not one to immediately follow.  One of my favorite buttons on the jean jacket I wore as a teenager said "Question Authority". 

I need to be convinced.  I'm not saying this is good or bad, it's both.  I'm just saying it is how I am. Once I'm convinced though, I'm extremely loyal.

I tend to go into friendships expecting the best.  Once you've proved yourself worthy, I will stick by you through thick and thin, as long as you also stick by me.

I will follow, I will also lead.  It's best to take turns. I think understanding this is part of what makes relationships strong.

I am blessed with a husband who also follows and leads.  We compliment each other, most of the time.  Sometimes we butt heads pretty hard, but we always work it out in the end.

To follow is a choice.  It is not something that should be done carelessly, it deserves much thought and requires great trust.  

Most of all, it requires faith.

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